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New Ready Mix Tune for Mezzer Pro and Pick & Mix Review

New Ready Mix Tune for Mezzer Pro and Pick & Mix Review

Posted in News By Shockcraft  15 March 2023 11:51:00 am NZDT

New Ready Mix Tune for Mezzer Pro

Manitou Mezzer ProIn December Shockcraft launched the Pick & Mix Self Tune programme to put suspension tuning in the hands of customers.  We developed a rack of tunes to fit riders from 40 kg to 120 kg.  Each customer gets matched to a specific compression and rebound tune but with firmer/softer poppier/sticker options included.  Doesn't matter if you're 40 kg or 120 kg we have a tune for you.  Pick & Mix launched for Manitou Mezzer Pro forks with great early orders and absolutely stoked customer reviews (see below).

Ready-Mix Tune is our Pick & Mix Self Tune with the picking, mixing and install already done for you.  Ready-Mix has free install (you've still got to buy the kit) with any new Manitou Mezzer Pro or Mezzer Pro damper purchased from Shockcraft.  Conversion kits are also available for the Mezzer Expert.

More info on Ready Mix Tune options is here.

Ready Mix for Mezzer Pro

Review of Pick & Mix Self Tune for Mezzer Pro

By Springs on MTBR:

If you are on the fence about one of these kits here's my experience.

I've been running Mezzers since they came out and have had multiple sets on multiple bikes. They had their teething issues (bushings mainly) but once sorted the fork was a solid 7/10 rating (nothing is a 10 btw). The only real negative I found was the rebound. If you ran it slowly it provided decent trail feedback and comfort but at speed it felt rough and could be hard to hold a line in rough terrain. If you ran the rebound very fast it was better when riding aggressively but at trail speed grip as reduced and wasn't balanced. Also comfort was sacrificed slightly in the pursuit of performance which I had always thought was an air spring thing (apparently not).

I got Dougal's piston kit and shim recommendations a couple of weeks ago. I was specced a medium firm compression tune and a neutral rebound tune and used his green damping oil. 170mm travel 85/61psi LSC closed HSC open REB 5 out from closed. First ride there was a noticeable improvement on how active the fork was and it tracked way better thru chunk but I did get some hand pain after a few chunky trails as the compression damping was just a little too stout for me. Maybe a stronger, younger rider who rides aggressively all the time would like this but for me it was just too much.

Pulled the damper and removed one compression shim and rode again.

This was the goldilocks moment for me. Same trails, even faster and got no hand pain. The way the fork was able to deal with chunk and remain composed was a highlight. The bike held a line whereas previously (on standard fork) I would get deflected and/or would have to manage my speed much more. The compression and rebound damping are now well matched and the fork was starting to disappear beneath me which allowed me to focus on looking ahead and picking lines. Braking into corners over sharp edge repeated hits, the fork is tracking better and is extending quickly enough in a controlled manner that grip is much improved too.

Another nice effect of the mod is that at trail speed the fork is much more active and comfortable. This is a nice takeaway as in between trails just cruising this helps to reduce fatigue (an area which needed improvement on the standard fork imo).

I've done several rides now and my first impressions (from second ride on) stand. Calm and composed over chunk. Stable and very active. The only fork that I've ridden that gets near my Intend Flash in terms of composure and grip and a willingness to hold a line.

Overall a great mod when you get your tune right. Instructions are simple and easy to follow. If you can follow instructions, have two thumbs and have a little patience it's a 5/10 difficulty rating doing the shim shuffle and bleed.

It really turns the Mezzer into something special. 100% noticeable positive improvement. Surprised me how much difference this has actually made!