As low as US$436.44
As low as US$436.44
As low as US$326.10
As low as US$24.52
As low as US$71.10
All tuning and upgrade options fork for GRIPX dampers in Fox 34, 36 & Marzocchi Z1 forks:
2025+ F34, F36 forks with GRIPX damper stock
2025+ GRIPX damper upgrade
2018+ F34, F36 & Marzocchi Z1 as upgrade or retrofit
The GRIPX damper is best tuned to riders under 70kg of weight. Those over 70kg are better with a tuned 2021-2024 GRIP2VVC or 2025+ GRIPX2.
Send us your fork or damper and we will tune it to your weight and riding style. This service removes harshness, increases support and brings a live and playful feel. Increasing both support and compliance.
Includes labour, new parts, consumables and fluids for dampers in good working condition.
Excludes repairs & any additional repair parts.
Want a new tuned GRIPX damper?
You can also purchase a new tuned GRIPX damper. Information and pricing is over here.
As low as US$71.10
As low as US$71.10
As low as US$618.17
As low as US$727.00
As low as US$95.63
As low as US$120.15
As low as US$80.91
As low as US$71.10
From US$405.79
To US$533.30
From US$966.05 Regular Price US$1,297.06
To US$1,190.64 Regular Price US$1,297.06
From US$1,034.71 Regular Price US$1,365.72
To US$1,259.30 Regular Price US$1,365.72
Matrix Tune for RockShox BoXXer 2015-22 Charger 1, 2 & 2.1 forks and dampers
Internal tuning (revalving) for the RockShox BoXXer Charger 1, 2 & 2.1 dampers matched to your weight, terrain, bike geometry and riding style, combined with our Unharsh Modifications, to give you more comfort, control, traction and speed
We use our Fortune Teller to take weight, terrain, bike geometry and riding style and select your Matrix Tune from a rack pre-prepared tunes
Rockeater Tune
We also have our Rockeater Tune for the BoXXer Charger 1, 2 & 2.1, info here
Send in either your whole fork or damper only
Matrix Tune pricing includes labour for tuning & service (damper only or whole fork), modifications and consumables, with optional wiper seals (SKF or OE RockShox)
Excludes repairs & repair parts and optional upgrades
Optional Air Spring upgrades (DebonAir V3 & Vorsprung Secus) shown
Service Pricing only (i.e. without tuning/modifications) is here
Want to buy a new tuned damper to bolt-in?
You can also purchase brand new BoXXer Charger damper with Matrix or Rockeater Tune to bolt into your fork, see Related Products.
As low as US$245.20
Matrix Tune for RockShox Pike/Lyrik 2014-22 Charger 1, 2 & 2.1 forks and dampers
Internal tuning (revalving) for the RockShox Pike/Lyrik Charger 1, 2 & 2.1 dampers matched to your weight, terrain, bike geometry and riding style, combined with our Unharsh Modifications, to give you more comfort, control, traction and speed
We use our Fortune Teller to take weight, terrain, bike geometry and riding style and select your Matrix Tune from a rack pre-prepared tunes
Rockeater Tune
We also have our Rockeater Tune for the Pike/Lyrik Charger 1, 2 & 2.1, info here
Send in either your whole fork or damper only
Matrix Tune pricing includes labour for tuning & service (damper only or whole fork), modifications and consumables, with optional wiper seals (SKF or OE RockShox)
Excludes repairs & repair parts and optional upgrades
Optional Air Spring/Coil upgrades (DebonAir V2/V3 and Vorsprung Luftkappe, Smashpot & Secus) shown
Service Pricing only (i.e. without tuning/modifications) is here
Want to buy a new tuned damper to bolt-in?
You can also purchase a brand new Pike or Lyrik Charger damper with Matrix or Rockeater Tune to bolt into your fork, see Related Products
As low as US$245.20
Full service and fully engineered tuning pricing for Ohlins RXF34 and RXF36 forks with STX22 or TTX22 dampers.
Completely changes how air spring and damper functions. Fixes harshness, wallowing and deadness.
Service kit works for all internals (air, coil, TTX22, STX22, TTX18 etc etc).
Optional high flow piston kit works for TTX22 and STX22 versions only.
You will need to send the entire forks to us for tuning.
From US$137.80
To US$612.98
From US$0.98
To US$482.70 Regular Price US$486.09
As low as US$169.18
From US$0.98
To US$727.37 Regular Price US$730.76
As low as US$169.18