We offer rear shock service & tuning direct to customers who are comfortable removing suspension from their bike. For locals we are able to remove the suspension from bikes at our workshop (there is a charge for this - see rear shock labour pricing - Other Charges). We also work with local bike shops (LBS) - so you can contact them to book a Shockcraft service. When your LBS is servicing your bike is the ideal time to get your suspension and dropper post serviced too.
If you are too far to come visit then you can book our Shockcraft Carrier Kereru and we'll arrange courier pickup of your rear shock (New Zealand based customers only - Kereru do not fly offshore).
Our Queue Counters shown above provide an indication of lead time for jobs once they arrive at Shockcraft. These timeframes update automatically depending on how many items are in the queues. Our live service queues are available for you to see how your job is progressing. When our service or tuning queue is longer (>2 weeks) our Book Now, Send Later or Book Now, Drop Later service is a good option to shorten the time you are without your suspension or dropper post.
Further Information: is available here and in our Service Terms and Conditions.