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Returns, Refund & Cancellations

Returns & Refund Policy

Standard items in as new condition with original packaging may be returned for refund of the original purchase price, excluding freight, within 2 weeks of invoice date.  Items returned after 2 weeks but less than 3 months from invoice date may only be returned at our discretion and only for a store credit of the purchase price minus a 20% re-stocking fee and freight.  Refunds/credits are not available for items returned more than 3 months from date of invoice, items specially ordered, items sold in a sale or at a discounted price, custom manufactured or custom tuned parts.

To return an order please email us and send items back to us with a copy of your original packing slip or invoice.

Please refer to our Warranty Statement for information on return/repair of faulty product or serviced suspension/dropper posts.

Cancellation Policy

For standard items orders may be cancelled prior to shipment of product.  Orders for custom or tuned parts may only be cancelled at our discretion.

Items specially ordered for customers are unable to be cancelled & deposits are non-refundable unless the item is undeliverable.  Undeliverable means that the item cannot be delivered to the customer within 2 months after the orginal advised ETA.

To cancel an order please email us.