Please wait one moment while our live service & tuning queues load.
The below jobs are in our Service & Tuning Queues, with those to be serviced or tuned next at the top. The first number shows the position in the combined fork/shock/dropper post service or tuning queue. If this queue number is 0 then we are awaiting parts to proceed with the job. If there is no queue number then the job is on hold, usually as we are awaiting information from the customer. The queue includes jobs that have already arrived and those that were booked using our Book Now, Send Later and Book Now, Drop Later options (queue number highlighted red). Jobs are serviced or tuned in the order they are received, unless the Book Now, Send Later or Book Now, Drop Later option has been selected, in which case they enter the queue as at the date they were booked. Customers using the Book Now, Send Later option are emailed when their part is in position #10. Customers using the Book Now, Drop Later option are emailed when their part is in position #5. Note that for efficiencies we will sometimes batch service similar models.
The below jobs have been booked but not yet arrived at Shockcraft. Job # is shown at left, with Brand & Model. Not all jobs show a brand and model as customers do not need to provide this during booking if they are not sure.